So, after tons of persuasion, she literally, forced a laptop down my throat. Coupled with her ever-nice hubby, we went down to Sim Lim Square to look for my next possible victim. Once the poor victim was found, she paid and nagged at me to go get a nice looking dress for the victim... however, due to the poor workmanship, the dress was poorly done.. but oh well, it has to do till I have money for the next dress...
So yes, as I am blogging this, my new victim is starting up and loading all my needed applications and probably hearing the sad story of its predecessor... but my first victim will still be tortured by me on a regular basis as it will be good for me to do simple things on... hehehe... it doesnt really quite end there ya.. but still I am grateful to Cubix for parting with her hard earned money to let me have this luxury item * yes, it is a necessity to you*
Talking about friends, I ever wondered how it is like to progress from a friend to a couple status... cubix and her hubby were classmates before they got together... sad to say, my love stories have never really happened that way. My ex- other halves were usually people whom I didnt have a chance to know much about before we started... maybe that's why I didnt have all that awkwardness... imagine holding a friend whom you have been so comfortable with.. how weird would that be? If things do not even turn out fine, you lose that friendship too... especially for me whom I treasure friendship a whole lot, that can be quite disturbing...
I've been recently watching this korean reality show called "we got married". In this show, this couple, Jo Kwon and Ga In are singers in their real life. They lead a 2nd life as a married couple on the show. As the show progresses, they find out much more about each other and through their individual interviews, you see a bit of care and concern for each other in them. I wonder if maybe this is what I am looking for.. the type of exploration period between a couple. You know much more about each other everyday.. compared to a friend whom you know well enough, it's different... I guess for me, it's hard to make a friend whom I am close to into my other half...
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