Thursday, December 21, 2006

Bye bye cubix...

As I struggled to get out of bed this morning, I was hoping that this day wouldn't come... cubix and her family is leaving for the US today... and her flight is damn early in the morning!!

Anyway, nobody cried... it was not those crying scenes u get in movies or dramas... but as they left and went into the departure gates, my eyes got wet and my nose runny... but i held it back.. cos there were simply too many ppl around to breakdown... dun throw face there...

I think i got really upset when Cubix was about to go onto the plane and she sent me an sms "bye bye kate"... i was on the bus, seated right at the back and i was tearing... it would be one yr later that I would get to see her again.. so long!

Sigh... you take care over there... i'll miss you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am locked out of my bathroom! So everytime, I have to go all the way to the hotel lobby to take a leak. And now is 215am... it's going to be a long nite, coz the maintenance comes in only at 7am in the morning... siao liao...