Friday, June 15, 2007

Microsoft word has got spell check...

Just had a long exhausting day cos I was sick... like really sick with a pair of inflamed tonsils and a fever... * damn the tonsils!* I had been rushing for my school project till 4am for two days and then waking up early to get other work done... prob that's the reason why the tonsils found the right opportunity to attack...

While I thought my project was almost over, just a little more to go.. hiccups came along... the team lead didn't managed to see my piece of work tht i spent a whole load of time on.. and he handed in something which i am not sure of whatever it is.... upset about it cos if he didn't manage to see it, he should have contacted me and asked if i had sent it over or not. you know what is the most upsetting bit? he had called me during the day and asked me about the stuff and i told him about it... i felt it was ok to tell me that we're not using your copy but i guess at least tell me and not just scrape it off like that.. let me learn what is not right and so i can learn from my mistake....

subsequently, he decides that he dun have time to do his presentation slides, he wants to chuck it to other people aka me... and shoved me the word doc which he intended to submit to the school as a proposal for the REAL event that we will be holding... imagine, every single line contains at least one spelling error... hello.. there is a F7 button that you press for spell check... dun send in a sloppy piece of work simply because you dun have the time... it reflects badly on yourself and dun drag the rest of the team mates in....

i spent the past one hour trying to change the format and correct all the spelling and sentence structure that he has in the doc... the more i do, the more frustrated i got.... BAH! so much for trying to rest!!! Next time ah, dun work with ppl like that!

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