To my pleasant surprise, it's from Pam! Pam is a wonderful lady whom I got to know 5 yrs back from a cat forum and many yrs on, we kept in touch via MSN, letters and packages sometimes.. However, as I got busy with work and was hardly online, our communications got lesser and I would read her blog to keep myself updated about her life in Canada... Incidentally, I was thinking about Pam these couple of days.. I remembered she would have finished her school by now and wanted to send her a card to congrats her and I reminded myself to go check for her latest address and VOILA! her package arrives at my lap!!
Here's what came in the package:

A music CD that's good for bedtime and calming oneself as well as an eye cream for my stubborn dark eye circles!!! Yay!!
In addition to that, she also sent me a picture of her in her convocation gown!! Pam, I'm so proud of you! It's on my little board of fame in my room!

On the board, we have my own grad photos with my family, cubix and me and her adorable daughters and of cos, pictures of dogs and cats... in case you wonder what is that old newspaper on the board, that's the newspaper article that reported about my event management course when it first started...
Once again, thank you Pam! Thanks for being around me during my ups and downs... although we hardly meet online now but yes, you are still on my mind! Do update your blog too ya!
Oh yay! I'm glad you got it - it was pretty quick! I hope you enjoy it :). I am going to try updating a bit more regularly....I sometimes wish there were more hours in the day...but then I'd probably just end up vegging on the couch anyways lol. You have to update more often too :).
Thank you so much for it!! Yeah, I have been busy and also nothing much to update when I do not have much of a life these days.. heheh
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