Sunday, April 24, 2005

Magazine write up!!

Went down for KB this sun.... been two weeks since i've worked out... either i'm tied up at work or i'm down with flu... and besides.. jason asked if i wanted to come down this sun cos some magazine is coming over to do a write up on beyond xtreme and he wanted to pack the class up with ppl so it looks better on the pictures... so since he has already asked, there's no reason for me not to go.... afterall, I do miss KB... and anything for Beyond Xtreme....

so got there at about 150pm... super packed with ppl!! There were quite a few seniors, some familiar juniors... and a lot of newbies!!! of course, it included the writers from the magazine and the photographer... never had a class so packed with ppl....

today, roy took the class and it's the first time i sweated like as if there was a rain cloud on top of head.... dripping with sweat.... and of course, the weather was freaky hot and i had sufficient stretch from elaine who was partnering me.. *yay!* elaine has always been a favourite partner when it comes to sparring..... we have that kind of chemistry that we know what we are doing with just a jab or a roundhouse... it was a good workout today.... i was able to execute my punches more efficiently with elaine holding the pads cos i know she can withstand my punches...

oh, the two of us got into several pics the magazine photographer took... not sure if it would end up in the magazine but it was pretty fun.... cos we were all anticipating the shots and all...quite cool....

hopefully the write up turns out good.. then it would be good publicity for BX... more ppl would be introduced to this sports and more ppl would benefit from it... ;o)

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